
introduction to asthma return to patient education 6223240b4f7c1

Introduction to Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder (hyperreactivity of the airways) resulting in excessive mucus productions and airway spasm in susceptible people. Mucus production causes chest congestion and phlegm. Airway spasm causes coughing, chest tightness and wheezing. The most common triggers for asthma include: Respiratory viral infections, allergies and smoking. Managing asthma involves avoiding the triggers, treating […]

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Chronic Cough

Chronic cough is usually defined as a cough that lasts for 6 to 8 weeks or longer. Most of the time, chronic cough has an underlying cause and needs to be evaluated. Upper Airway Cough In general, it is not life-threatening and is more of a quality of life issue. It is typically a dry

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Eczema Care Instructions

TO ALL INJECTION PATIENTS: you must wear your mask and also must cover mouth & nose — no exceptions. If you cannot be compliant we ask that your find another clinic to administer your allergy injections. It is a federal requirement for Healthcare facilities to require masks worn properly when in these buildings. The key

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Exercise Induced Asthma

In the United States, it is estimated that as many as 10% of school-age children experience asthma symptoms brought on or worsened by exercise. This is known as Exercise Induced Asthma (EIA). EIA: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms Why does exercise cause asthma symptoms? It is thought that the intense breathing that takes place during exertion

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Nasal congestion and runny nose is a common problem faced by all of us at one time or another in our lifetime. Most commonly this is a short duration, caused by respiratory viral infections. At times, this could be a life long problem. The most common cause of constant nasal symptoms is vasomotor rhinitis, where people have nasal

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Headache is one of the top health complaints of Americans We’re bombarded with advertisements – and we pay many millions of dollars – for pain relievers. Headache is also one of the most common reasons people see physicians, and it’s not a new problem. Primitive healers may have bored in the skulls of their suffering

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Immune System Reaction

Most of you are familiar with allergy problems; however, very few understand the term “Immunology.” The immune system protects us from the outside environment so we can all lead a healthy life. The immune system consists of many different types of cells, and these cells make antibodies and mediators. The combination of these mediators and

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Nose, Sinuses, and Ears

We all take for granted that breathing through the nose is normal for everyone. However, there are several million people who do not have the luxury of breathing through their nose. When we breathe through the nose, the air circulates through the sinuses and while passing through the sinuses the air is humidified, filtered, and

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